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Donation made to Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal

Author: Max Allum

02 April 2022

We stand with the people of Ukraine


Here at Davlav have been as affected as everyone else seeing all the horrifying scenes comes out of Ukraine. We stand with the people of Ukraine and hope the situation can be resolved as soon as possible.


This is why our CEO Steven Payne decided to make a £10,000 donation. This will be split into two. £5,000 of this will be donated to the Disasters Emergency Committee. The DEC bring together various charities across the UK raising funds and pulling together all of their resources to provide fast, efficient and effective relief for those in need. So far they have raised over£200 million to help with those affected by the conflict which is amazing.


The other half of our donation is £5,000 worth of much needed essential item to go directly to those affected. We believe we are in a unique position to do so. As we work within the construction industry, we understand the importance of health and safety equipment and clothing whilst outside in the cold. Due to this the donation is made up of:


  • 200 Fleeces
  • 3 X 100 Survival packs
    (which include; foil blankets, medical waste bag, torches, emergency whistles, barrier tape, cold compress, ID tags, C cell batteries, megaphones, snap lights, first aid kits, large holdall bags)
  • 200 Pairs of thermal gloves
  • 5 X Eye Wash Stations
  • 200 Thermal Woolly hats

The donation was made to humanitarian and medical aid collection point in Barking. This center is doing amazing work in collecting donations from all across the country. The donations are driven through Europe and delivered directly to those in need. There was an overwhelming amount of donations that had been made by others. The volunteers were extremely grateful for the donations as we are to them for doing this great work.


How you can help:


If you too are looking to donate and help out where you can you can follow the links below.  They are to donate money to the Disasters Emergency Committee or to donate humanitarian and medical aid items to local collection points.


To donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee:


A list of donation centers in and around London accepting humanitarian and medical aid items: 


This war has caused wide spread devastation, leading to millions having to flee their home for safety. This is why warm clothing and essential items are much needed by the people of Ukraine. We hope the little we have done will help people out that are in need.


Click below to see what other charities we here at Davlav support:

Here’s how we help out with charities and our local community